
Winter has arrived.

And I am no fan of GOT.

Yes, winter has arrived in Delhi. A little too soon it seems. The pleasant chill has been around for days but the onset of winter in Delhi is declared by the fog peeping through your window. The white sheen has spread today and while nothing is visible, yet the morning seems so pure.

It is not like the smoke engulfed feeling brown and hazy. It is white like a cloud staring.

I am a mountain girl. I love the feeling of clouds walking through my window but for that real time experience I have to at least settle in Nainital if not higher up. Till then I can use the Delhi fog as a make shift arrangement.

Time has really gone by from standing in the lawns of our house in Dehradun sipping milk accompanying Papa during his morning tea. Even during school days mornings were relaxed. There are bits and pieces of conversations with Pa that remain as sub-conscious life lessons. One of them was the importance of mornings.

Even after all these years I happily remain an early riser.

Life is turbulent and more often than not, it is continuously so. Even with all the books that preach and of course those beautiful positive picture messages on social media, one finds it difficult to take each day as it comes. This is where the morning comes with a real inspiration. It is God’s way of saying B+ve.

As a child I never understood, why Pa would insist that we come out and stand in the lawn or terrace, watch the sunrise or feel the morning set in. Today as I look back, I realize there is nothing more positive on earth than the onset of morning. A fresh morning start is like pumping new life into our body.

I already hear the argument, what about Delhi mornings and the barely visible sun during winters.

The fog makes up for it. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you are in heartland of clouds. Hold a warm cup of tea or coffee and just stand by the window / balcony and let the whiteness set in.

Good Morning!


One thought on “B+ve

  1. So veryy rightly defined…it’s is indeed my favourite time of d day … n how pleasurable it is to get up early and enjoy the morning breeze…such positive vibes it brings…everyday…a new day…a new beginning….mesmerising

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